Tuesday February 2nd, 2010 Welch Village

Date & Location: Tuesday February 2nd, 2010 Welch Village

Snow & Weather: 4" fresh Josh says it's 16 degrees and Roley says it's 20 degrees

Vertical feet & runs: 4,990 feet 15 runs

Season Total: 36,816 feet 103 runs

Comments: Rode with Josh, Roley, and Greg. 4" fresh and tons of fun. Nate you should have been here. It was rad and I was fellin it today. Josh, go ice your knee. Garrison, go aaaahhhhcckkkkk on a monster truck.

Greg: 3" pow pow. Yeah!! Fun!! Yeah!!

Josh: GNAR!!!

Roley: So Matt, whatever you do, don't land on the rail "on edge" or you will fall! (do as I say not as I did)

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of Matt & Greg but why does Greg have to look retarded? Not all short people are retarded... at least I don't THINK they are. -GBD
